PLEASE NOTE: These forums are no longer utilized and are provided as an archive for informational purposes only. All support issues will be handled via email using our support ticket system. For more detailed information on this change, please see this blog post. Calculation + Conditional Logic still have a few issues

  1. Scenario:
    * Product field is hidden behind a conditional checkbox, has auto-populated field "kogus"
    * add_filter 'gform_field_value_kogus' => return 1

    Problem #1:
    * user checks box, product field displays, with correctly populated Quantity 1
    * Total remains 0, when I would expect it to be immediately calculated due to field pre-population
    * if I pre-check the conditional and Product field display immediately on form load, Total *is* calculated immediately. Unfortunately I must keep some products closed no matter what, so defaulting everything to "checked" is not an option

    Problem #2:
    * Toggling conditional Product field still loses pre-populated value as of, I have posted about this previously:

    Live demos available but I should e-mail .htaccess l/p on request.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 6, 2012 | Permalink