After looking around the forum for an answer it seems there a several people who are interested in capturing the field data from a gravity form and storing it in a separate database. It would be awesome if the gravity forms core team could provide the most basic of examples of how to accomplish this.
I am using the Gravity Forms User Registration addon to register visitors to my blog (this form captures first/last name, username, password and email). I am simply trying to capture the $_POST values of their entry and store them in a second database for other uses outside of wordpress.
I know that I need to place the following in my functions.php file:
add_action('gform_post_submission', 'do_something');
function do_something($entry){
//Do something code
I know I need to capture the data AFTER it has been scrubbed through the forms validation function. I have looked at From what I understand the $entry["1"]; returns the second item within the $entry[]; associative array. I am assuming that $entry[ ] is akin to $_POST[ ]
I just think a simple example of how to pull this information using the GravityForms API would be so very helpful to so many developers.