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active form stopped displaying because style of 'display: none' assigned to it

  1. My only active form stopped displaying. After deactivating all other plugins I finally noticed the form code was in my page (via the shortcode), but the form had an inline element style of 'display: none' assigned to it, so the form just wasn't showing.

    I edited form_display.php to change:
    $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
    $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:block'" : "";

    This seems like a temporary fix, so I need a permanent solution as to why an Active form is disalbed.

    Form page:

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday June 2, 2010 | Permalink
  2. The "style:none;" is the proper behavior if you have conditional logic fields enabled.

    You shouldn't have to hack the core files for anything here. It's most likely an error in setting up the form.

    Do you have any conditional logic fields enabled on the form? I don't see any but it's loading the conditional logic scripts as though you do.

    You may have enabled it for some field and not configured it correctly. I would go back and check the field settings looking for that.

    Let us know what you find.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday June 2, 2010 | Permalink
  3. What's weird is:
    -I 'did' have conditional logic for a field, but the conditional check box somehow got unchecked (should that make the entire form not display?)
    -the form used to display, and without me editing the form, it suddenly stopped displaying

    I'll have to reconfigure the conditional logic and then see if it works correctly from there.


    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday June 3, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Cool. Thanks for the update, let me know how it goes.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday June 3, 2010 | Permalink