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add a custom form for ajax function of GF

  1. Hi everybody

    I don't know if my process is right. I will try to explain

    I use a plugin call wp client to create a private client area for each user. This plugin use his own custom registration form and create a new member role call wp client. In the same time after registration the plugin create a hub space for each client. So all is working , i embbed the custom registration form inside a fancybox BUT this registration don't use ajax. So if you make a mistake during the registration, the fancybox close and must click on the link to open again the form and see the error message (not good for visitors). In contrary if you put all information succefully the page reload to go to a successfull landing page. What i want is to use ajax to don't need to reload all the process ;-) The support of this plugin is agree to try to search a solution to put ajax but they charge a lot and they are not sure to find the proper solution. I think to use the ajax function of GF with 2 possibilities:

    - I buy a dev licence of GF and use the custom registration form of GF (with register each member as wp client role) and hope that the wp-client plugin will create the hub/private space for each user automaticly too but i really don't think it will work.


    - I try to put the shortcode of the custom registration form of this plugin inside .....a form create with GF and use the ajax ability of GF plugin. It's sound a bit weird ^^

    I hope you understand my situation. I am not really good with ajax


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 21, 2013 | Permalink
  2. If you can determine what function the wp client plugin is running after registering the user, you can run the same function using the gform_user_registered hook

    That would enable you to use your own registration form and still take advantage of whatever functions the wp client plugin performs after registering a user.

    I don't think your second approach will work.

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday March 23, 2013 | Permalink