I am trying to create a form to calculate a quote for a blinds website. This form has many conditional fields and the price is calculated based on user inputs.
I have a price list which is in the matrix format. These have a width and a height field.
If a customer enters width 20 and height 20 in the frontend the price changes to 200
If a customer enters width 30 and height 30 in the frontend the price changes to 300
If a customer enters width 40 and height 40 in the frontend the price changes to 400
I would also like them to enter multiple entires at once on one page to capture multiple dimesions for multiple blinds in one form.
For example
Enter Width Blind 1 ____________ Enter height Blind 1 _______________
Enter Width Blind 2 ____________ Enter height Blind 2 _______________
Enter Width Blind 3 ____________ Enter height Blind 3 _______________
Would You like to add more ? Click here
Your total is $$xx
Is this possible with gravity forms ? If yes I have a fair understanding of creating functions. Pointing in appropriate direction with a simple example would do.