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add-on pricing

  1. Hi,

    Where might I find the cost for the User Registration add-on? I have a Dev License but even logged and going to my account in I don't see any add-on pricing.

    I have a client site I'd like to use GForms on. I would much prefer they purchase their own single license rather than use my Dev License. If they purchase the $39 can I then purchase the add-on for the site under my Dev License? It seems from what I see on your website that's the only way it could be done. They're a non-prof org pet rescue who doesn't need their own Dev License and can't afford the cost of it anyway.


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Deb, we don't sell the Add-Ons individually. They must be tied to a developer license because that's how access is granted to them. If you don't want to use yours on their site, they will need to purchase their own.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 7, 2012 | Permalink