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Add Parent post category with hook/filter

  1. sascha

    Hi there,
    I am using the "post category" field to populate the category of a post. This works well. What I would like to do though is:
    if a child is chosen on the form, then the parent (or even parents) are added automatically with the help of a hook/filter. Which would be the best filter to use and how would I go about adding that parent to the post category?
    In logic I would:
    1. get the field value of the post category field into $child_category
    2. use get_category_parent ($child_category) to save parent in $parent
    3. wp_set_post_terms ($post_ID, $parent, $category, true)

    Do not know if that is right though. If it is the questions I have: what do I use for $post_ID and what do I use for $category?
    As always, any help is appreciated!

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 28, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi Sascha,

    This is probably easiest to accomplish after the post has been created using the gform_after_submission hook as I did to do a related task in this topic:

    You will need to fetch the parent category ID by passing the selected child category (available in the $entry object) to the WP function get_category(). This function will return a category object which includes the "parent" property. This will be the ID of the parent category.

    Per my code example above, the $post_id is available in the $entry object as well.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 28, 2011 | Permalink
  3. sascha

    Hi Dave,
    I used the following code and it works great! Thanks for your help/pointers!!!

    // select parent term automatically for the 'project_type' taxonomy in form #1
    add_action('gform_after_submission_1', 'gform_parent_category');
    function gform_parent_category($entry) {
    	$created_post = $entry['post_id'];
    	$child_ID = $entry["7"];
    	$term_object = get_term_by('id', $child_ID, 'project_type'); // replace project_type by chosen taxonomy
    	$parent_ID = $term_object -> parent;
    	wp_set_post_terms( $created_post, $parent_ID, 'project_type', true ); //replace project_type by chosen taxonomy

    But instead of copying the code for each form, I wanted a flexible solution: I tried to use wp_get_post_terms instead. The only problem is that function returns an empty string! No idea why?!? Quite messy code as I tried different options:

    add_action('gform_after_submission', 'gform_parent_category');
    function gform_parent_category($entry) {
    	$created_post = $entry['post_id'];
    	$post = get_post($entry["post_id"]);
    	//$child_ID = $entry["7"];
    	//$term_object = get_term_by('id', $child_ID, 'project_type'); // replace project_type by chosen taxonomy
    	$query_taxonomy = 'project_type';
    	$term_object = wp_get_post_terms($created_post, $query_taxonomy, array("fields" => "all")); // replace project_type by chosen taxonomy
    	$product_terms = wp_get_object_terms($created_post, 'project_type', array("fields" => "all"));
    	$parent_ID = $term_object -> parent;
    	//$parent_ID = $term_object[parent];
    	echo $parent_ID;
    	wp_set_post_terms( $created_post, $parent_ID, 'project_type', true ); //replace project_type by chosen taxonomy

    Have you got any clues?

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday December 3, 2011 | Permalink
  4. I'm a PHP rookie so let me know if I'm out to lunch.

    I want to do something similar to Sascha and have implemented this function that automatically sets the ancestor taxonomy term with the descendent is selected.

    It works great when publishing/editing a post from the backend - but not when a post is created with gravity forms.

    Any ideas on how this function can be hooked in with 'gform_after_submission'?
    Also trying to make this work with front-end editor but don't know how to hook it in.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday May 24, 2012 | Permalink
  5. This behavior can be achieved globally with a wordpress hook. There is no need for the 'gform_after_submission' hook.

    Copy this:

    If you're using default posts try hooking to the action 'save_post', 'publish_post' or 'edit_post', etc. If you're using a custom post type, instead do 'save_my-post-type', where my-post-type is your post type's slug.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday May 25, 2012 | Permalink