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Add Product Price Based on a Field Being Filled Out

  1. Hi I have a form at

    There is pricing on the 3rd page. I would like to make it so the "Passenger Fee" is marked yes if someone fills out the second page. Or if it is easier just fills out the "Passenger Name" field. How could I go about this?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday April 4, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I took a look at this form:

    I think on page 2 of the form I would add a radio button choice to ask "Will you be riding with a passenger? Yes/No" (2 radio buttons). If yes, then show the fields below, and make one or some of them required. That way, if they say they are bringing a passenger, they have to fill out this page. If they don't fill out the page, the will get a validation error and be shown page 2 again. If they made a mistake, they can click the "No" radio button, and the fields will hide, and they can continue to page 3, even if the hidden fields were required.

    Then, on page 3, I would add the passenger fee, pre-checked, and only if they answered "Yes" to the question on page 2 "Will you be riding with a passenger?" That way, the field will not even show up if they are not bringing a passenger, and if they are, the field will show up, and will already be checked "Yes" for the fee. I would not use a drop down there, since you don't want them to select when they are bringing a passenger. I would use a radio button and have it default to pre-checked. They should not be able to uncheck it. You can make it required as well, so that is will not submit properly without that being checked.

    Does that help?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday April 11, 2013 | Permalink