Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
dynamically changing currency 4 Richard Vav 11 years
PayPal notfications sends to early! 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Paypal Donation - 2 payment steps 5 Richard Vav 11 years
Prevent entries being record before payment is received? 4 David Peralty 11 years
paypal redirection not working on one form 3 Rob Harrell 11 years
Paypal porduct and subscription in one 3 jonpaulh 11 years
Show Only PayPal Completed Entries? 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Error message, but not fields highlighted. 5 qctotaltech 11 years
PayPal Add-On not installing 4 David Peralty 11 years
PayPal not receiving the correct amount 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Paypal advanced support 2 David Peralty 11 years
Entries with no Transaction ID notification not being sent 2 David Peralty 11 years
Resend notification email 5 danieleprova 11 years
Wrong Product Showing in PayPal 3 Chris Hajer 11 years
PayPal condition not working 7 Rob Harrell 11 years
paypal pro conflicts (part II) 3 Rob Harrell 11 years
Form Confirmation 4 David Peralty 11 years
Paypal is not finalizing 6 Rob Harrell 11 years
Paypal redirection sometimes not working 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Pay pal add on - donation 14 David Peralty 11 years
Give the user ability to cancel their own paypal subscription with Paypal Pro? 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Maximum Quantity 1 debkrier 11 years
PayPal Standard vs. Pro for GF? 10 David Peralty 11 years
paypal pro add-on conflict 13 David Peralty 11 years
How to Modify Paypal Merchant Return Link? 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Paypal feeds for recurring and one-time donations? 3 Rob Harrell 11 years
Two different options to pay 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Paypal returning URL (Success) 7 ssr 11 years
Form not going to Paypal 7 Rob Harrell 11 years
Remove $0.00 Donation Item from PayPal Checkout Page 3 Rob Harrell 11 years