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Add subscription to existing users

  1. Hi Gravity.

    I have bought the developer licences and downloaded GF Plugin and the User_Registration and Pay-Pay plugins.

    All i working and im very happy whit the plugins.

    But i have about 200 existing users who already members, and i would like to start the subscription now. Can i send out some kind of mail with a link to the pay-pal subscription or how can i assign the existing users to a new subscription model?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 28, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Your existing users will need to fill out your subscription form. You can make a form available only to logged in users then populate the fields with information you already know about them. Then, they just have to choose their subscription option (if you have any) and click "submit" which will take them to PayPal. Essentially, you will send all your existing users the link to the same page, and when they are logged in, the form is populated with their data, and then they just need to fill out the rest of the information and submit.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 28, 2013 | Permalink