I am trying to set up a form (integrated with Authorize.net) that will basically act as a "checkout" for an order form I need to set up. The order form will have anywhere from 100-500 different options, but each customer will probably never choose more than 5 of them at any time.
Because of the nature of the items on the order form (they change extremely regularly), I have to generate that initial order form dynamically (outside of Gravity Forms).
Basically, once the user submits that initial form, I want to dynamically add a new hidden product field for each product they chose to the Gravity Form used for checkout.
Which filters/actions do I need to hook into in order to add these hidden product fields dynamically?
I assume I'll have to hook into the gform_pre_render filter in order to add the hidden fields to the form itself when it's loaded on the front-end, but what other filters do I need to hook into in order to make sure those product choices are stored in the database, sent appropriately to Authorize.net, and included in any notification emails that are sent?
Also, is there any documentation on the structure of hidden product fields so that I know what information to add to the form object? Thanks.