I have a category template and I created a form using the post fields. Would like to add this form below the loop so that on this category page, users can post. I do not know how to call the form. Thanks in advance, Rick
I have a category template and I created a form using the post fields. Would like to add this form below the loop so that on this category page, users can post. I do not know how to call the form. Thanks in advance, Rick
I added this to my template <?php echo do_shortcode('[gravityform id=7 name=GotA Question?]'); ?>
And it worked. Hope this method is acceptable. How do I re-direct the page to the post that was created, or the same page reloaded, showing the post on the category page? It does work, but I have to access the category again.
I am not sure I understand where you want to redirect to. Can you explain a little more? A link to your form would also be helpful so that we can see it in action.
its for a client, and password protected area. I ended up re-directing to the same page its on, which seemed to work perfectly. When a subscriber submits the form, their post is at the top of the page, a category page called forum, for posting questions. Because the page is re-directed, when the page reloads, the question is there. It all works fine, but I wondering if I could be doing something wrong here? If need be I can create a temporary username and password for you to take a peak. thanks.
Send me the user and password to alex[at]rocketgenius.com and I will be happy to take a look at it
just sent it to you, "subject" username and password, and sorry, sent a 2nd email to you with the url...
Thanks for the support here, Gravity Forms is fantastic,
What about when there is no post or page published (via wordpress - ie: a static homepage), how can you embedd a form in the template?
You can add the following function call to your template to embed a form
<?php gravity_form(2, false, false); ?>
Parameter 1: (id): (Required) The id of the form to be embedded
Parameter 2: (title): (Optional) Whether or not do display the form title. Defaults to 'false'
Parameter 3: (description): (Optional) Whether or not do display the form description. Defaults to 'false'
That's what I figured, and read in your Documentation. It's not working however, so is most likely an issue with my theme.