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Adding state counties

  1. I've created a form for a title company.

    They've requested adding dropdown listing all 88 counties in the state of Ohio.

    Any quick solutions/imports/tweaks to allow for importing this data for use in a gravityForm?

    Of course simply adding 88 dropdown items manually is an understood solution, but if there's a 1-2-3 quick alternative, please share. :)

    - - - - - E D I T E D - - - - -
    (never mind, found the method.
    1. Click "Bulk Add Predefined"
    2. Paste Your LIst
    3. Save/Insert




    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday June 29, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Michael,

    Glad you got it sorted, thanks for letting us know.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday July 1, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.