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Adjust form output

  1. Cor van Noorloos


    As an example, would it be possible to adjust the form output from something like:

    <ul id='gform_fields_1' class='gform_fields top_label description_below'>
    	<li id='field_1_2' class='gfield'>
    		<label class='gfield_label' for='input_1_2'>Untitled</label>
    		<div class='ginput_container'>
    			<input name='input_2' id='input_1_2' type='text' value='' class='medium'  tabindex='3' />


    <ul id='gform_fields_1' class='gform_fields top_label description_below'>
    	<li id='field_1_2' class='gfield'>
    		<label class='gfield_label' for='input_1_2'>Untitled</label>
    		<input name='input_2' id='input_1_2' type='text' value='' class='medium'  tabindex='3' />

    Best regards,


    Posted 13 years ago on Friday December 2, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The form markup cannot be changed or customized.

    Because of how Gravity Forms works as a dynamic form builder, it must have full control over the markup to ensure features such as conditional logic, default styles, etc. work as intended.

    Customizations should be applied using CSS, hooks/filters and jQuery.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday December 2, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Cor van Noorloos

    Hello Carl,

    Thank you for your quick reply. It that case, let me rephrase my question. Would it be possible to filter the output, and which ways would be best suitable?

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday December 3, 2011 | Permalink