Thank you for such a quick reply, Chris! I would have replied sooner, but did not see the reply in my inbox. So following are replies to your email. Please let me know if you need further information. I appreciate your help!
You: There's something weird going on in your server or installation, not Gravity Forms. I submitted the form a few times from Chrome and was sent to a 404 in every case.
Me: Yes...that is correct if you leave the Website field prepopulated with http://. If you take out the http:// from that field then it works fine, and the page goes to the thank you message. If a visitor completes that field with his or her url and clicks the submit button they are taken to the home page and not the thank you message. If the field doesn't prepopulate with the http:// then the form works fine.
You: In Firefox, the page would not even load as it was already a 404. That was before submitting the form, just trying to load your URL.
Me: It works for me.
You: Also, the 'test' in the url is sometimes being rewritten to 'testimonials', possible due to Apache mod_speling.
Me: Thank you. I'll look into this.
You: Are there two sites here, one in /test and one in the root?
Me: Yes - I worked on the site before launch in the test directory and then uploaded in to the root directory when we went live. I deleted the test directory after making the site live, but reinstalled it to work on the issues I was having with the form.
You: See the results of trying to load this page in Firefox (before ever trying to submit it.)
Me: Thank you for this information. But if I am seeing the site...what does this mean?
You: Something is odd with your setup. Can you explain more about it?
Me: This is a Genesis Site, Corporate Child Theme. I have a no-follow robot file on the test directory and put in a print.css file on the root...other than that everything is pretty much standard.
Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday September 7, 2011 |