If I add this filter-
To my functions.php file, and modify it so that the euro symbol is on the left hand side of the value ( ie €100.00 instead of 100,00€ ) then the position of the decimal gets messed up. Any product that I have set at €100.00 instead becomes €10,000.
Any ideas why this would happen? The only thing I have modified from the example on the page mentioned above is that the euro symbol is on the left instead of the right, so my code looks like this:
add_filter("gform_currencies", "update_currency");
function update_currency($currencies) {
$currencies['EUR'] = array(
"name" => __("Euro", "gravityforms"),
"symbol_left" => "€",
"symbol_right" => "",
"symbol_padding" => " ",
"thousand_separator" => ',',
"decimal_separator" => '.',
"decimals" => 2);
return $currencies;