You could use the gform_pre_submission filter to modify the submitted values, changing them to CAPS, then storing that. That value would be used in the notifications as well. Your code would look something like this:
// we can add a form ID here if we need to
add_filter('gform_pre_submission', 'uppercase_me');
function uppercase_me($form) {
// this will change the values in 3 specific fields to UPPERCASE
$_POST['input_14'] = strtoupper($_POST['input_14']);
$_POST['input_10'] = strtoupper($_POST['input_10']);
$_POST['input_25'] = strtoupper($_POST['input_25']);
You can loop through all the $_POST values or you can change just the ones you really want uppercased.
Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday October 16, 2012 |