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Allow field to be populated dynamically Always set for custom field

  1. Is there a way to get the "Allow field to be populated dynamically" always checked and set to a value for a custom field? I've got this:

    // Adds title to GF custom field
    add_filter( 'gform_field_type_title' , 'wps_netID_title' );
    function wps_netID_title( $type ) {
        if ( $type == 'netID' )
            return __( 'netID' , 'gravityforms' );

    Through some other searching, I have it added under my "Standard Fields" and have it set to be read only through some other code in functions.php, along with making it a text field with netID as the label for it. This way users just have to click the buttom to have this field added to the form. I would like to make it so that anytime this is added into the form, it's automatically populated with "netID" so that users don't have to go in there, check the box, and add in netID as the value. It will always be needed for this custom type, otherwise it won't show anything. Thanks!

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday October 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I'm going to close this as a duplicate of this topic which is closely related, if not identical. We will continue troubleshooting there.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday October 8, 2012 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.