Aha! I read that a week or so ago while I was researching the problem initially and I could not find it again the other day. I was looking in the forums when I should have checked the docs. That put me on the right track and now I've got everything working well.
Thank you!
Just a general question: I know a lot of people ask about coupon code support. I've now written code (on two separate projects) that checks the WP database for a correct code before validating, and add's a "discount" product of negative value. It requires a more technical hands-on approach for managing the codes, but I plan on writing up a post for my local WordPress group about how I did it. I know the coupon code functionality is planned for GF core, but could I send you what I write up and if it looks all sound in regards to GF functionality and usage, would you consider referring those inquirers to my post until a future plugin update renders it obsolete?
Posted 13 years ago on Monday October 31, 2011 |