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Any updates on the release of Gravity Forms 1.7?

  1. At the risk of starting a thread that will fill my inbox with replies from other people +1'ing and adding "me too's" and "yeah, pleases", I will post this anyhow, because I know a lot of us are eager for an update. lol

    I am extremely excited about the Front-End editing capabilities that GF has stated are planned for the 1.7 release and so I'm eager to know how it is coming along. I have but a few questions.

    1.) Is Front-End Editing of Posts created via a Gravity Forms Post Submission form still in the works for Gravity Forms V 1.7 as I'm hoping?

    2.) While I know that you cannot realistically give me a specific date, I have a huge project that is dependent upon this capability, and so I'm wondering if you can at least give me a "rough" estimate as to when this amazingly powerful new version of Gravity Forms will be released?

    3.) Is there any way you can create an add-on, where every time I turn on my computer, Gravity Forms finds someone and gets them to deposit a few hundred thousand dollars into my bank account for me? <-- Okay, that question was bullshit, but the other two are real questions.

    Thanks in advance for an awesome product and amazing support.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday April 19, 2012 | Permalink
  2. At the risk of filling up your reply, this is something I would also be very interested in knowing and, again, I understand that a firm date can be given.

    It is for the same reason I'm asking, which is the front-end editing capabilities.

    I would also be interested in the answer to the third question :o)

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday May 20, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I'm eagerly awaiting this feature as well. I've been using front-end editing in Formidable Pro for quite a while now and would love to see it in Gravity.

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday May 20, 2012 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    I understand your excitement and interest, and I share it (being a user first and a team member second) but we have all been instructed not to set expectations anymore as we are working on a variety of important and interesting developments and each of them can be re-prioritized on any day. We don't want to let any of you down, and there are so many feature requests. We are doing our best and hopefully we will have more information soon. Keep checking the blog for beta releases of new releases and add-ons as they come available.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday May 21, 2012 | Permalink

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