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Any way to edit a form entry that is also a post

  1. mtprofiles

    1.-Is there any way to recreate a post from a form entry?

    I have setup a form to generate a post. it uses custom fields mixed in the body. so far no prob.

    But unlike other fields in the form, if these are post fields, they cannot be edited on the entry, just on the post itself.

    There should be a way to edit the form entry even if the values on the post itself are not updated automatically.

    What about a way to recreate the whole post?

    what about an option to duplicate an entry so that a new post is created?

    I am looking for a way for people to be able to edit their form entry (post or not)

    Ideally, this would recreate the post and set it on draft again.

    2- is there a way to allow a user to edit an entry on the front end?
    (perhaps pre-populating a form with the entry)

    3- why aren't there any checkbox fields in the post fields? (for example, for categories, i need to allow multiple values selected)


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 17, 2011 | Permalink
  2. 1) Posts are only created when the form is submitted. Posts are not created from the Entry Detail page itself. They are only created when the form is processed. Post creation is separate from Entry creation.

    2) There isn't a built in feature to allow post editing with Gravity Forms. It is possible to do, but only as a customization and only if the developer understands Gravity Forms hook/filter usage as it's a more advanced customization. There are examples of doing this on the forums if you search around.

    3) There are not currently Checkbox fields in the Post Fields because Custom Fields are single value fields. They consist of a Name and a Value. Checkboxes are multi-value. So the issue is storing the items that are selected.

    We do plan on adding this capability in the future, each Checkbox would create a new custom field using the same Name but a different Value. The user is then going to need to understand how to work with multipel custom fields that use the same Name.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 17, 2011 | Permalink
  3. mtprofiles

    Thanks for the prompt reply Carl

    I understand your point 1 and that's why I was thinking about the option to create a duplicate entry on edition.
    Anyway, by the same logic that the post is separate from the from entry, shouldn't the entry be editable on it's own? if a form has fields that are nor "post fields" then those ARE editable from the entries list.... mmmhhh
    Upgrading the post manually isn't my ideal option, but if the original entry on the database cannot be edited then I can't really make this work for me.
    2. a bit of coding is an option, but the post would have to be re-created too. Could that be accomplished with some hook+php?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 17, 2011 | Permalink