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Anyone using Highrise (or anothe CRM) ?

  1. I am Max

    Hello there,

    Searched the forums, but did not ind anyone talking about Highrise ( ) or Salesforce.

    I did read somewhere that future integration is planned... any time frames?

    It would be great to know what some of you are doing to organize contacts created via gravity forms.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday January 5, 2010 | Permalink
  2. The upcoming integration add-on is currently in beta testing. Highrise and Salesforce is not part of it at this time. MailChimp and Campaign Monitor is, Freshbooks is coming.

    We do plan on adding Highrise support to this add-on in the future. Once we release the integration add-on we will look at what the users want to see and go from there.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday January 5, 2010 | Permalink
  3. I am very, very interested in Highrise integration. This would save our business a lot of time. It would be great because we could use Gravity Forms for lead generation, and then those people who filled out our "client survey" would automatically be in the pipeline to get an estimate and so forth. Highrise handles that part well, and if GF could plug their survey into Highrise it would be brilliant!

    Don't mean to link to the "competition" but here is a great example of an implementation of this idea.

    Posted 15 years ago on Sunday February 14, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Highrise is on the roadmap and it will work in similar fashion to our MailChimp and Campaign Monitor add-ons. I don't have a timetable just yet, but keep your eyes open as it will happen eventually.

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday February 15, 2010 | Permalink

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