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  1. Problem Description:
    Gravity form seems to start loading just fine, but in the process of loading the page jumps to a blank white screen with the status set at "Read". Firefox Web Development add-on error console shows "Recaptcha is not defined".

    I searched the web and found a thread that describes a similar situation in the drupal:


    Posted 15 years ago on Sunday January 3, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Nobody else has reported this issue and many use the reCAPTCHA field. My guess is this is either a theme or plugin conflict with something specific running on the site you are encountering this on.

    What you will need to do is test for conflicts with your theme and/or plugins.

    - Active the Kubrick theme and test if reCAPTCHA works

    If so then it is a conflict with your theme. If not you will need to run a plugin conflict test.

    - Deactivate ALL plugins
    - Activate Gravity Forms
    - Test reCAPTCHA functionality

    If it works then it is a plugin conflict... do the following:

    - Activate 1 plugin
    - Test reCAPTCHA functionality
    - Repeat until you determine which plugin is causing the conflict

    Let me know if you find anything when doing this. But it sounds like a conflict as this is the first time this has been reported and reCAPTCHA isn't a new feature.

    Posted 15 years ago on Sunday January 3, 2010 | Permalink