Is there a way to conditionally hide the payment field if the total is $0? I saw this post from a few months ago but it doesn't look like it was ever answered:
I have a registration form that will sometimes have a total, other times total $0. It is a very complex form, so the conditional fields that are built in aren't sufficient.
Basically, the form allows someone to register up to 5 children, for a registration fee. Each child's registration page has a place to enter a Groupon code, which covers the registration fee. But there are also extra add-ons that can come into play - so a Child may still incur a fee even if a Groupon is entered.
I have tried multiple things, but I can't get the field to conditionally show/hide properly. There always seems to be a configuration that breaks it. The simplest solution would be to somehow use the total as an indicator. Is there a PHP script or anything that can detect this total and pass it to the form?
Here is a link to my form, for reference. It's long, but if you choose only 1 child on page 1, know the other four are identical and you can get the idea.