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Auto Generated Results

  1. Quick question (not so much support related). Is there a way to create auto generated results via gravity forms?

    e.g. I have 3 dropdowns if i pick a different entry from each dropdown i get a pre-defined result on submit.

    I may have 5 different pre-defined results which change depending on what is chosen in the dropdowns.

    Basically something like this: (click get quote). Where it produces a set result depending on what is chosen from dropdowns.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I submitted that form but I do not see what was supposed to happen.

    Can you explain more what you would like to do. You will have three drop downs, each with possibly 5 possible selections. Once those selections are made, what is supposed to happen? Will you accept that form submission, then redirect the visitor to a page showing personalized results based on their choices? Please explain if that's what you're trying to accomplish and we'll see if we can help you.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Chris,

    Basically rather than it redirecting to a page with personalized results just display results on the same page based on what is selected in dropdowns. The form will basically allow people to choose a laptop type / make / ram / hd size etc etc and depending on what is chosen when the submit button is pressed it displays a pre-defined price based on what is picked from the dropdowns. There might be a total of 10 pre-defined prices in total. Sorry its a little tricky to explain.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 22, 2011 | Permalink
  4. This depends on how you are trying to implement things.

    If you are creating an Order Form using the Pricing Fields then you would define the pricing as part of the Pricing Fields you add and configure on your form.

    You could then configure your Form Confirmation to display the Pricing Field data using the available merge tags (or the {all_fields} merge tag that returns all of the submitted data) then yes. If they fill out your form and hit submit they will see everything they selected, including the total.

    You can also add a Total field to your form and it will automatically display the selected total on the form itself as the user selects from your available Pricing Fields.

    Please note, only the Pricing Fields are used for calculating totals, etc. for orders.

    If you aren't using Pricing Fields, then i'm not sure how you would do this.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 22, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Hi Carl,

    Finally managed to almost sort this now, doing it how you mentioned using product / pricing fields. I now just have 3 questions. Here's a link to said form:

    1. Can i set it not to display price in the select dropdowns? e.g RAM (GB) when you click on select you see prices next to RAM size. Ideally I'd like to hide all the prices.

    2. Is there a way to fix the price so it doesn't go below a certain amount? e.g the base price is £50 and I'd like it so it never drops below that price. But i do have some figures in the selects that are minus amounts. So someone getting a trade-in price, the minimum they will ever get is £50. Not sure if this is possible or not. - Let me know if you need this explaining better.

    3. Is there a way to create a button that directs to a wp page onclick. e.g. create a button saying "No Thanks" and onclick it directs to a specific page. I dont see any type of buttons in the gf admin area.


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  6. Sorry to keep mithering on this. Just wondered if a support member could have a look. Got deadline to hit and this is holding me up. Any help would be really appreciated.
    Cheers in advance.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 25, 2012 | Permalink
  7. mauricioquito

    Hello Gomy,

    I also find myself on this same situation..

    I have no enough knowledge of programming to develop an web app.

    What I wanna do is to make some sort of trip budget planner. But the fields included wouldn't only be pricing fields... EX.

    Where are you from?
    if they choose US the budget will be higher as they have to pay a different entry fare to x country

    What are you looking for?

    What are your eating habits?

    And finally the user would get either an predefined result according to their choices


    according to their choices redirect them to another page where I would have results premade.

    Is this posible?


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 26, 2012 | Permalink