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Auto Populate Drop Down using a List or an Array (gform_pre_render)

  1. After going through the gform_pre_render tutorial a gazillion times, I have successfully implemented the tutorial code in a form. However, instead of auto populating the drop down with post titles, I would like to have it populate from an array/list of "Suppliers" (ex. Acme, Delco, Volvo). What would I replace in the attached script to accomplish this?


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 10, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    It all depends on where you are getting this list of suppliers. Is it in a database? In a text file? Just a stock list you have? In the end, if you feed the script you have an array of values and then loop through that array, you'll be able to accomplish the same result. All my best!

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 10, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Hi David! I was hoping you were around :)

    I actually don't have a preference as to where the list originates from, it could be an external text file or a built in array (there is no DB with the info). I have built an array similar to what I need in a static PHP form, but I can't for the life of me figure out how this fits together with GF. So I guess I need to one way better than another? If not, how would I go about using a text file?


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 10, 2013 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    You could just hard code it using the following:

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 10, 2013 | Permalink
  5. This looks really promising! Thank you!


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 10, 2013 | Permalink