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Automatic Updates

  1. Hi,

    Two questions.

    1. How do you disable the "There is an update available for Gravity Forms. View Details" notification? I used the following code from an old thread but it seems it no longer works.

        $dismissed = get_option("gf_dismissed_upgrades");
        $version_info = GFCommon::get_version_info();
        if(!$dismissed || !in_array($version_info["version"], $dismissed)){
            update_option("gf_dismissed_upgrades", array($version_info["version"]));

    2. When trying to do an automatic update it just takes me to a page saying "The plugin is at the latest version. Return to Plugins page". Do you always need to download manually?

    WP Version 3.3
    GF Version 1.6.2


    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, rr89,

    Let's address the issue of your being unable to do an automatic update. This could be caused by your host blocking access to our API which handles the automatic updates. There have been instances before with sites and communications.

    Since you are unable to do the automatic update, you can instead do a manual install. You can download the latest version of Gravity Forms from the Plugin Downloads page (

    Do NOT use the Uninstall Gravity Forms button - this will remove your data.

    The steps below are how you would do a manual install and will only remove the gravityforms files so you can replace them with the updated version. This does NOT touch your data.

    1. Download the latest public version of Gravity Forms and save the file
    2. Select the "Deactivate" option for the Gravity Forms plugin
    3. Select the "Delete" option for the plugin (this only deletes the gravityforms folder and files; your data is NOT touched)
    4. Answer yes when prompted to delete the files. If you are uncomfortable with this you may make a backup of the folder (...wp-content\plugins\gravityforms). This step deletes the folder gravityforms and the files inside.
    5. Select the option to "Add New" plugin
    6. Select "Upload"
    7. Browse to the location where you saved the latest Gravity Forms file and select it
    8. Click "Install Now". You should see the message "Plugin installed successfully." This step recreates the folder gravityforms and the files inside.
    9. Click "Activate Plugin"

    You will now have the latest version of Gravity Forms and your notification about an update being available will be gone.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 7, 2012 | Permalink

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