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Automatically put date on a submitted post

  1. wpdk

    Hi ..

    Loving your plugin...

    I'm using your form together with WordPress custom post types. People can submit some post fields and then I show them on the website as "events"..

    Here is the form -
    (in danish, but you get the picture ;-))

    All events have a date and time, and I set WP up to show posts that have a scheduled date in future.. People pick the data, and write the time in a "custom field"..

    Is there any easy way to put the date and time on the post that are submitted...
    At the moment I go in and set it up with a WordPress post manually... I would like that to happen by auto...

    Possible ?

    Best regards

    Ps... loving the new user registration add on...

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 28, 2011 | Permalink