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Best practice to target a label...

  1. Just want to make sure I'm doing this right. If I wanted to target a label for a field, is this the best way to get it done:

    body #gform_wrapper_1 label.gfield_label {
    color: #ffffff;


    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday November 27, 2010 | Permalink
  2. That will target all of the labels with the class "gfield_label" for form ID#1. If that's what you want to do, then you're golden.

    If you only want to target one specific label, it would be like this

    body #gform_wrapper_1 li#field_1_1 label.gfield_label {color:#fff}

    that only applies the rule to the label that's contained in the "field_1_1" list item. Of course, you would replace the "field_1_1" with the actual ID from your form.

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday November 27, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Thanks so much...I almost have it. My only question I still have is about


    Where exactly am I looking to know that it's 1_1 ... is that because if there was another field it woudl be 1_2, since it would be the second 1 on the page? And I assume the first "1" indicates the form number?

    Thanks so much!

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday November 28, 2010 | Permalink
  4. The best way to find it is to simply view the source and get the ID from the parent <li > element.

    Yes, the first number is the form ID# and the second is the field ID. The ID's are added when you add them to the editor, but if you re-arrange the order in the editor, the ID's won't be in sequential order in the form output. It's always best to give a quick look and make sure you have the correct ID - saves a lot of headaches.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday November 28, 2010 | Permalink