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Better Description Transfer to Paypal

  1. Hello,

    Love Gravity Forms, it's awesome!

    I would like to suggest a small tweak to the way the item description transfers to Paypal (and other gateways for that matter). Currently I have a form that is a called Gift Membership and it is product field with radio buttons as the field type. Right now if someone selects one of the choices called "Family", on the Paypal receipt and in the db the item is listed as Family.

    I would propose that the description become a combination of the field label and the radio selection. So in my case it would show "Gift Membership: Family".

    This would be more descriptive in both the db and on the receipt for the customer and would make it easier to see what happened at a glance.



    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can accomplish this now by enabling values on the choices for that product field and then customizing the value of the choices so it has the text you want to be passed to PayPal.

    The way the PayPal integration works is while the Choice Label is what the user see's when filling out the form, the Value is what is passed to PayPal as the data for that selection.

    So if you want what is passed to PayPal to be more descriptive, edit the field and enable values and then customize the value to incorporate exactly what you want it to say. When it's passed to PayPal, it will use that value instead of the choice label.

    See this screenshot for an example:

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink

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