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"Billing" Landing Page possible?

  1. How can I redirect users that are submitting the Donation form to a Paypal landing page that is immediately ready to receive credit card information?

    Looking at these two images: ...

    ... the top image (Login Landing Page) is what my user is seeing now, and the bottom image (Billing Landing Page) is what I want my user to see.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday October 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. If the visitor has a paypal cookie on their computer, they will be shown the log in form, with a tiny link to "continue" if they don't have an account. If there is no paypal cookie, they are shown screenshot two by default, with the login form on the right, if they already have an account.

    You can test this by using a different browser which has never been to paypal, and has no cookie. You will see the credit card form by default.

    There is a gform_paypal_query hook you could use as well and add this to the query string sent to paypal:


    From here.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday October 22, 2011 | Permalink
  3. I've got 3 Gravity Forms ( attached to my WordPress site with the PayPal add-on (1.4) and using the gform_paypal_query hook doesn't seem to work for me, I still end up on the default PayPal login landing page.

    Here's the code I put in my functions.php template within my WordPress theme:

    add_filter('gform_paypal_query', 'update_paypal_query');
    function update_paypal_query($query_string) {
        return $query_string . '&SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole&LANDINGPAGE=Billing';
    Posted 12 years ago on Monday March 19, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Worldtravlr

    Same question as above. How can we get this PHP working? Sorry for my limited knowledge of PHP and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday July 5, 2012 | Permalink
  5. @Worldtravlr - you would insert that code into your current theme's functions.php file. Have you already done that?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 | Permalink
  6. Worldtravlr

    Thanks for the quick reply @Chris Hajer. I appreciate it.

    Yes, I have inserted it into the PHP file and re-tried the checkout process, but still ended up on the page with paypal login prominent and an expandable and less noticeable bar below for credit card. Will this code overide if I have already logged into paypal and have cookies set, or will it only work for new, "non-cookied" paypal customers? Thanks for any insight you can offer.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 | Permalink