Unable to replicate running GF 1.5rc2.2 and PAyPal Add-On v1.0.beta3 following these steps:
- Create New Form
- Add Donation Field
- Save Form
- Go To Edit Forms
- Edit Form
- Change Donation Field To Multiple Choice
- Save Form
I followed the steps above and everything saved as expected. We have seen mod_security issues in certain situations with multiple choice, have you successfully run Gravity Forms on this same server in the past?
Try doing the following (note it uses standard fields not pricing fields):
- Create New Form
- Add Single Input Text Field
- Save Form
- Go To Edit Forms
- Edit Form
- Add Multiple Choice Field
- Save Form
Does the above choke when trying to save the multiple choice fields? If so then it's a mod_security firewall issue blocking the AJAX request to save the data. I can provide resolution for it if that is indeed the issue.
Let me know how it goes, try hitting me up on Skype also so we can discuss.
Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday December 22, 2010 |