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bug in registration add-on password strength check

  1. Hi,

    I have noticed that with the registration plugin if i have the password strength set to something like "good" it seems to work fine on intial validation. Yet if there are errors, say an invalid username. The form will get sent back and show the username error. Now this is great, the problem lies when i fix the username error and hit validate again i'll get an "password does not match required strength." error. This seems to be caused by password strenght being validated on key up. So if i don't type in the password box it dosen't revaidate. Yet if i type anything, (normally i type a space then delete it) into the password box it will then revalidate. I think this issue can be solved by checking password strenght on load and on keyup.


    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 22, 2011 | Permalink