Sounds like the necessary javascript isn't being output on the page.
Make sure your theme has the necessary wp_head() function call in the header.php AND the wp_footer() function call in the footer.php file of the theme. These standard WordPress hooks are discussed here:
and here:
If you are displaying the form using the function call instead of the shortcode then it could be because you aren't enqueueing the necessary CSS and scripts, which is required when using the function call. Because of how WordPress enqueue works, the form function call itself can't enqueue the scripts. You need to use the enqueue function and place it in your themes functions.php file. You can read more here:
But that is only necessary if you are using the function call to display a form *OR* if your theme is setup in a non-standard way and how the content is being called the shortcode can't automatically enqueue the necessary scripts.
Another thing to check is make sure you don't have any other Javascript errors on the page.
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 |