Hi everybody, first let me say that this plug-in is amazing, however, due to the fact that i'm not an experienced web-designer, i'm having some trouble, so, please forgive my ignorance; here we go:
I want to build a review websites BUT my website will not have a list of products already published, in other words the 'users' will not find a product to review but will have to start from scratch and submit their own.
I will try to be more clear, let's say that a user wants to review a restaurant (it's just an example), i want the user to register (username, name, surname, email address, and possibly, IP address) then to find a form where he will be able to submit 1) restaurant's name 2) Restaurant's location 3) tel number 4) Restaurant's website then a few comment blocks where the user can write his own feedback/comments/suggestions then, maybe a couple of radius buttons with a few simple options like YES/NO, at this point, once the review has been submitted i will need a fomr to search over all these reviews which, ideally would need to have each one their own page, so that, maybe, the restaurant in question would be able to link my review on their own website.
What i want is a button on top of my header like 'write a review' > form as i mentioned above > submit review > thanks your review has been published > write another review or log out, then of course i will need another page with a list of the most recent reviews and a search form to find the oldest ones.
The form plug-in works GREAT but i have the following problems:
1) I need to set a 'user registration page', users need to be registered BEFORE to be able to write a review, i have 'User Registration Add-On' but i'm having trouble to understand how to have the two forms (user registration and review submitting) working together.
2) Once the user has wrote a review... how can i get it published? I can see the review from the admin side BUT how can i publish it on a page online where everyone can read it? I would like to see a page with the user nickname (NOT his real name and surname) then all the details, Restaurant name, address, website etc..
3) Once i've got a substantial number of reviews i will need some kind of 'search form' to search these reviews by ie location, price, type of food, service, etc, i understand that i won't be able to do that with the Gravity Form Plug-in however, can anyone suggest the most appropriate plug-in?
I really need some help here and i'm sure that this thread could benefit others as well.
Thanks to all in advance