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Bulk import API call = GF won't trigger

  1. ricarod

    I'm trying to setup the autoresponder through Campaign Monitor, although b/c we're using Gravity Forms, the autoresponder won't trigger.

    After speaking with their support team, they think Gravity Forms is using the bulk import API call, which is why it won't trigger.

    Rather than the single subscriber API call addition here:

    More on this topic from Campaign Monitor:

    "Importing subscribers from a file does not trigger any autoresponders based on signup, nor does manually typing them into your account. Importing subscribers using the batch import API method will not trigger signup autoresponders either by default.

    The batch import API method's default setting can be overridden by adding the QueueSubscriptionBasedAutoResponders parameter and setting it to true. Adding people via a public web form, or individually via the API will trigger the signup autoresponder as well."

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday February 28, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Campaign Monitor contacted us today about this issue. We are not using the bulk import method of adding subscribers. We tried to replicate this problem on our end using the 2.0 version of the add-on, and autoresponder emails were sent correctly by Campaign Monitor.

    Did you hear back from Campaign Monitor at all? We have not heard back from them after our latest reply to them.

    Reference ticket # 17596

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday March 2, 2013 | Permalink
  3. ricarod

    We were successful in triggering the autoresponder for Campaign Monitor + Salesforce connection. The problem existed on both the Gravity Forms and the Beaufort12 Connector. Both of these plugins were using the bulk API call to send subscribers to the Campaign Monitor list. We overrode the PHP in Gravity Forms ourselves by adding "queueSubscriptionBasedAutoResponders = true." This line didn't exist in Gravity Forms so we added it. the Beaufort12 dev team created a patch to update their connector which had this set to "False."

    The autoresponder now triggers for subscribers who are added to Campaign Monitor via any form on our website and for leads who are converted to contacts and therefore resubscribed via Salesforce + Beaufort12 connector.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday March 9, 2013 | Permalink
  4. Thank you for posting your update.

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday March 10, 2013 | Permalink

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