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Bullets in Unordered List within HTML Block Not Showing

  1. fourogroup

    There have been several posts that seem to help with removing bullets from a form, however, I'm looking to ensure that bullets in an unordered list within an HTML block actually do show up.

    Currently, I have a blog post that has not yet been published (sorry, no public facing URL yet) which has a form within it that is calling an HTML block that contains an unordered list. The bullet points are not showing up when the form renders in the preview pane. I have confirmed that unordered lists on the rest of the site (outside gravity forms) are working properly.

    If it does help, the form (and blog post) are going to be published on thompsondentistryaustin [dot] com

    Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you.

    Posted 10 years ago on Monday July 1, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Richard Vav

    One of the styles in the Gravity Forms CSS files is supposed to allow lists inside HTML fields display the bullet points by setting the list-style-type to 'disc', I believe it even has an important flag. If the bullets aren't being displayed for you that would suggest a style in your theme is playing a part, could you set up a simple test form with an HTML field containing a list and embed that on a test page so we can take a look.

    Posted 10 years ago on Tuesday July 2, 2013 | Permalink
  3. fourogroup

    A test page is now available at

    There are 3 sections on the page, the first is just straight html native to Wordpress, the second section has all the html embedded in a gravity form, and the third section has all the html embedded in a gravity form and is using a colored box (

    Putting things side by side makes it easy to see that the formatting of bullets is different in gravity forms versus the standard theme (Manhattan by StudioPress). Ideally, I'd like gravity forms to be able to hold all the html, like the second and third sections of the test page, while using the bullet formatting of the native theme along with the colored box.

    I appreciate the input.

    Posted 10 years ago on Tuesday July 2, 2013 | Permalink
  4. fourogroup

    Thanks in advance for the feedback...

    Posted 10 years ago on Friday July 5, 2013 | Permalink
  5. Richard Vav

    Sorry for the delay, I wasn't notified you had replied.

    The reason the third form isn't displaying the bullets is because they are hidden, if you add some padding using the following CSS they will appear

    .gform_wrapper .gfield_html ul {
    padding-left: 20px !important;


    Posted 10 years ago on Friday July 5, 2013 | Permalink

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