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Calculate price with WIDTH & HEIGHT

  1. kiwii

    Hi, I read this treath but as Im new, I cant make the form work.

    Can someone send me an exported form with the working example?

    I need a width x height x price calculator. user should specified width and height and the price will automatically refreshed.

    Also they can select in a drop down a few more option which can rise the price.

    Bonus track: I would like to include this color picker: how can I receive the color code in a text field?

    Sorry for bothering you, but I really need this, thats why I bought this plugin.

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday March 10, 2012 | Permalink
  2. kiwii

    Anyone? Really need this.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday March 14, 2012 | Permalink
  3. This can't be done via a form export. It's a customization that requires custom code. There is no functionality built into Gravity Forms to allow you to perform this calculation. You have to implement custom jQuery to handle this functionality so it's not something a form export is going to do.

    Your only solution in this case if you can't get the code sample working in that example is going to be to either hire a developer to implement this customization for you OR wait for Gravity Forms v1.6.4 which will introduce calculation capabilities as a native feature of Gravity Forms. We began development of Gravity Forms v1.6.4 this week and it will be released in April.

    As for the color picker question, that is also a feature you'd have to implement as a customization. Gravity Forms does not currently have a color picker field. It would be possible, but would require custom code to implement. It's not something a simple code snippet her on the forums would be able to provide.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday March 14, 2012 | Permalink

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