Hey guys, I'll get straight to the point, I'm using a form that has only a date field in the format dd/mm/yyyy and with Jquery's datepicker/calendar. The problem is when I set my code to the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("#input_1_1").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(1982, 1-1, 1), buttonImage: '/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/calendar.png', hideIfNoPrevNext: true, showOn: 'both', buttonImageOnly: true });
The date range won't go past 2002 using the calendar icon, but you can still set the year between 1982-2001 if you keep on hitting the previous button. Seems like an odd problem but I'm not sure what's causing it.
Included a picture: