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Campaign Monitor Add-on Clarification

  1. jkjacobson

    Just to clarify if you are using Campaign Monitor for your marketing database using the add-on found within the Business license allows information from the normal contact field to be automatically added to your database of contacts in Campaign Monitor? Can a person have the entries end up in a specific category (Ex. Warm Leads Vs. General contacts). How are duplicate entries handled? Is the plugin (or Campaign Monitor) able to automatically handle duplicates? (Ex. If someone is already in the database and they submit a general inquiry form on my website I would not want a duplicate entry added to Campaign Monitor that I would then have to manually spend time removing later)...

    I LOVE this feature and if it works as described I will very likely upgrade... if it does not accomplish the things mentioned above though it could cause more redundancy than it is worth...


    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, jkjacobson,

    When using the Campaign Monitor Add-On you are given the ability to select which fields on your form maps to your fields in Campaign Monitor and which of your lists setup in Campaign Monitor that you want your form submissions to go to.

    For duplicates, the email address is used to control uniqueness within a list, so if the same user submits a form associated to the same Campaign Monitor list, they will be treated as one user as long as the email address is the same.

    You can read more information here (in case you haven't already) -

    Let me know if I didn't answer all your questions.


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 6, 2012 | Permalink

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