I am trying to implement the after_submission hook so that the form data goes to a third party database. I started by adding this code to the functions.php file: http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_after_submission
Will that become the default location where all form data is sent? What happens to the conditional logic / notification settings?
I would like route some data to the third party database, but some by email instead - is that possible? See form here (our site is in beta): http://collegesource.com.s127827.gridserver.com/contact-us
In the drop down menu, if "u.achieve, u.direct, or u.select" option is selected different questions/form fields appear and that data I want to route via email only, which is already in place.
I basically need help determining the hook to write & add to function.php file so that IF "u.achieve, u.direct, or u.select" selected send data to email listed in notifications settings ELSE use the after_submission hook to go to the third party DB.
Does any of this make sense? Clearly I'm not a programmer but I am working with ours here to try to send form data to our in-house CMS for most submissions, but the one selection I mentioned above would go to email instead.
Any help or detailed documentation is appreciated!