I'd chime in that instead of the two extremes (store everything, store nothing) you should offer a purge after X-days-old or purge the Xth-entries feature.
The two user-cases above should be storing the data for a week or so, to be on the look-out for potential abuse, etc. They won't need long-term data, but they might need to forensically analyze an attack.
If you really want to make it feature-rich, you can turn off full-form storage, and just do logging of form submissions entry id,IP, email, form id. Or even offer site wide form logging in a separate table or plain-text log file. I'd vote for site-wide logging via a plaintext log with purging and archiving features.
I rolled my own debugging logger attached to the post_submission hook for 3rd Party api monitoring, it's quite easy, I'm sure GFs could make a feature-rich logger in a short time, that would hook into the email function rather than post_submission which might miss some hole that's letting spammers sneak in.
Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 19, 2009 |