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Can gravityforms do this? [page creation / page editing ]

  1. egjweb

    Hi, I was using TDO mini forms but its no longer supported and it is very bugprone, so the best alternative should be this plugin. I'm willing to pay, but I would like to know if GF does what I need it to do;

    -Visitors and Subscribers can submit a new page and post via a form on the front-end. (page is most important to me)
    -they can add images (upload) to the form, that, after submission are added to the page or post.
    -fields they fill out (email/website/name/phone/etc) can be assigned a custem field key.
    -If Subscriber has created the page, he can edit the fields later on on the front-end or his profile page.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 18, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I have answered your questions below...

    1) Gravity Forms out of the box can create WordPress posts. It has a bunch of configuration options such as the post status, post author, etc. It creates posts through the use of the available Post Fields in the form builder. Only Post Fields create Post data. By Default Gravity Forms does not create Pages, however it is possible to tell Gravity Forms to create a Page rather than a Post by using an API hook and some simple custom code to tell it what post type to use. There are examples in the support forum.

    2) They can upload images using the Post Image field. These are added to the Media Library and assigned to the Gallery for the Post that is created. If you want the images inserted into the page or post you have to configure what is called a Content Template for the Post Body and output the value of the Post Image field using the available interface.

    3) Custom fields are supported using the Post Custom Field. You can use existing custom field names (keys) or you can opt to create a new one if the key doesn't already exist. The data is inserted as a custom field using the key you define. Please note custom fields aren't automatically added to your post in the Post Body. As they are custom fields you need to configure your theme template to display them *OR* you can insert them into the post body content using the Content Template functionality of the Post Body field.

    4) Gravity Forms does not currently provide post editing capabilities. This is a feature we would like to add in the future once we determine the best way to handle it. Once Gravity Forms creates a Post (or Page) it can only be edited via the WordPress Dashboard in the Post or Page editor. So you could use other plugins to give the user limited access to the WordPress Dashboard to edit their posts.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 18, 2011 | Permalink
  3. bradvin

    WRT to creating a page from a gravity form, this plugin will help:

    just set the CSS class name of the form to "posttype-page"

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  4. @bradvin Are you there developer of this add-on plugin? If so we know a better way you could implement this rather than using the CSS class name...

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  5. bradvin

    @carl - yes I am the developer. This is just a first release based on a client's needs and I would love any feedback you might be able to give me to make it better :)

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  6. @bradvin We will be in touch with some suggestions. It's pretty neat how you were able to use an existing field but as you know that field is used for custom CSS also.

    One of our developers will be in touch with information on how you can add your own custom field option... and only add it to the Post Title or the Post Body field... where the user can define the custom post type. This will give you control over what you call that field, etc. and make it user friendly rather than building off of the custom CSS class field.

    He will be in touch soon with details, it should definitely improve the functionality and make it less of a hack and more of a true add-on.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  7. bradvin

    @carl - awesome looking forward to it. Thanks guys :)

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  8. @bradvin - this sounds like something I could use as well. I've looked at your plugin and love the added functionality to GF. Are you going to 'share' :) the suggestions from the GF dev in your plugin?

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday February 26, 2011 | Permalink
  9. @bradvin: This is great stuff. So have you been able to update your plugin? Look forward to see what you come up with after working with the GF developers.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday April 17, 2011 | Permalink
  10. in another post I read that gravity forms can edit posts, but you need to do some custom php hooking and filtering to accomplish it. Does anyone know where i can find the forum posts that mention this. Adding this functionality would be a huge boon for making front end editing a reality in wordpress.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday July 5, 2011 | Permalink
  11. Ally

    I have similar questions to what egjweb first asked - and a few more.

    In Carl's reply to question 2, he references setting the images to post in the actual post by configuring in the Content Template. Is this something easy enough for a non tech person to do, or does it require a more experienced coder/developer? If a non-tech can do, where would I find info on how to do this?

    Is there a way to set this up as pay-to-post option? For example, before a user has access to the content submittal form they would first choose from a range of options (ie. post once, post 10 times, etc.) and would then have access to post once payment was processed?

    I'm not familiar with all of the terminology used, but what I was hoping to do on the site, for SEO purposes, would be to create a user submittal form that includes keywords they could select from and that would be included in their post. Is that possible?

    Can this be set so that the content will NOT publish until the admin reviews?

    Thank you for your help!

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 17, 2011 | Permalink
  12. 1. The content template is easy to configure when you create your form. It does not require a developer or coder, it can all be done from the form admin.

    2. Yes, sort of. The form would accept their post submission, and then send them to PayPal for payment. So, it's more of a "pay for each post" than "choose the number of posts you want to purchase." To do this, you would need to PayPal Add-On, which is available to Developer License holders, along with all the other Advanced form add-ons.

    3. Yes, you can present a list of keywords that can be selected and used in the post. I'm not sure HOW you are going to use the keywords in the post, but the list can be made available and included in the post.

    4. You can set them to draft status and then approve them before they're published.

    I hope that answers all your questions. If you have more questions, please feel free to start a new topic with those questions.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 17, 2011 | Permalink
  13. Ally

    Hi Chris, thank you!

    I've been tinkering on the demo since my post and have not yet found anything titled: Content Template. I've looked through Standard, Advanced, Post, and Pricing. Where do I find this?

    On the pay-to-post option, since the Admin must first approve the post, is there a way to know for sure if the payment has processed? I'm looking at GF for two diff projects; one is a fundraiser site, so if it is successful, my concern would be tracking if payment had been processed. Is there a way to hide the form and have it only available through the paypal confirmation page?

    For 3, the keyword question, I was wondering if they would tie into the actual All-in-One SEO. They can also appear at the bottom of a post.

    I do have questions about another use of GF, so I'll start that topic now. Please let me know where I can find the Content Template. Thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 17, 2011 | Permalink
  14. The Post Content Template is present when you insert a "body" Post Field. (There is a content template present for the title too.) So, it's in the Post section, when you insert a Body or Title. There is a checkbox to "create content template". Tick that and you will see this:


    Yes, the admin can ensure the payment is processed before publishing. The payment status is stored by the PayPal add-on.

    For the keywords, I'm not certain how it would work with AIOSEOP. However, I'm certain that you CAN do it. If the information is captured by Gravity Forms, you will be able to use it elsewhere on your site and for that post. If AIOSEOP uses a custom field to store the meta keywords, I'm certain you could put the user submitted keywords into a custom field where AIOSEOP can find them.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 17, 2011 | Permalink
  15. Mobe

    "Gravity Forms does not currently provide post editing capabilities. This is a feature we would like to add in the future once we determine the best way to handle it."

    Is there any news on providing editing post capabilities?

    I am searching for a clean way to provide frontend post creating/editing for users with a nice/themed form. GF would be the perfect solution, if there were just post editing capabilities in frontend. The mentioned solution in giving the user rights to edit posts in WP Backend is unfortunately no solution. I want to use GF to keep users out of the backend, otherwise I could let users straight away write posts in backend.

    I track GF for several Month now und would love to see this improvement in Post creating capabilities.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday October 10, 2011 | Permalink
  16. It's not built in, but it can be accomplished.

    You could create a form that is pre-populated with data from a previous form submission. Then you would control access to that in whatever way makes sense to you. The visitor can then see the data that was previously submitted, edit it, resubmit, and update the existing data.

    The 3rd party Gravity Forms Directory Add-on also has front end editing of entries.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday October 11, 2011 | Permalink
  17. Mobe

    Thanks Chris,
    so this sound like there is a way to edit existing submitted posts like you described. I'm bound to say I do not comprehend your hint exactly. Possibly due to some lack in GF background knowledge, special pre-populate forms...

    Just to ensure: With the described pre-pupulate method I could build a link "edit" in my single.php, which is visible only for the post author. When the Author clicks the links, he gets to a pre-populatet from with all previous submitted data, when then editing data and saving it will overwrite the old post data?

    Is there some resource/FAQ for pre-populating forms? As I rughly understand how this could be done with a pre-populated form, I have no idea how to get the existing posts data prepopulated... Would I get support if I have some problems with the pre-populated data (developer license)?

    The Directory Plugin sounds nice, too. Thanks for the link. I will have a closer look on this, perhaps this what I am looking for.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 12, 2011 | Permalink
  18. It can all be accomplished and all the hooks and filters are documented. We will of course be able to help point you in the right direction. We can't write the code for you, but we can provide pointers.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 12, 2011 | Permalink
  19. FanaticWeb

    Speaking of Content Templates, what is the best way to Control the layout display outputted on the front end from within the Content template field?

    I got the Output CSS set to Yes and Output HTML5 set to Yes, I'm assuming by doing so, GF's default CSS is overriding the theme's css. Can we create a separate CSS and use it to label the Content template fields or do we just add them to the existing GF css file?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  20. @FanaticWeb - In a new topic, can you post a link to your page and point out specifically which styles you do not like?

    The CSS with more specificity will "win" so in some cases the Gravity Forms CSS will win, and in other cases the theme's styles will win. It depends on the theme and how the styles were applied. We will need a link to your form and a notation with which elements you would like to restyle.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday January 30, 2012 | Permalink

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