Hello, I am very new to wordpress, and learning fast what the best plugins and programs are to work with. I am excited about learning Gravity Forms, but again, I need to grasp basic understanding. Below is what I need to know...if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!
I need to create a directory page of associated businesses in my Organic Themes wordpress layout. I need a page that would have about 150 listings showing business name, address and contact info, but I would also like to create a filtration method of different categories to define these listings by services and locations so our customers can filter their search down to fit their needs by choosing the different categories.
This is a link to our present sites directory http://vermontmaple.org/buy-syrup.php. As of right now, we only have a 'by county' filtration. You can see we have the following below for each listing: | Bulk | Maple by Mail | Open All Year | Retail | Wholesale |. Some offer a few of these services, so I need to create a selection method for our customers to narrow the list down.
Any help, or guidance (such as what this is even called so I can search for it better...) or if you can direct me toward a possible solution source would be greatly appreciated. I am hoping this is something Gravity Forms offers.
Thank you,