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can i toggle CSS output to be on for one form, but off for another?

  1. Rob Harrell was helping me with my form woes earlier.

    I tried turning on CSS output because the formatting was acting strangely. Turning it 'on' fixed the form you saw, but breaks the other form which was developed for me by an outside contractor.

    Here's the one made for me:

    And here's the other one I've been trying to make work, myself:

    Can I have one form turn on CSS output (so it looks nice) but not on the other (so it doesn't ruin the custom formatting he made)?

    Thanks again!

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday August 16, 2012 | Permalink
  2. The Output CSS setting is sitewide. I'm not sure if there is a way to disable it on a per-form basis.

    Ideally though, the styles for your custom made form would be specific enough that they will always be applied to the elements and never be ridden.

    There are some style rules here:

    However, they are fairly non-specific and would apply to all fields with these IDs (which can happen on multiple forms) and also the rules in the Gravity Forms forms.css are more specific already so they will likely be applied and these styles would be overridden. If the idea is to preserve the custom formatting you contractor created, you should make his selectors more specific. I will post one example of what needs to be done. You will have to repeat this process for all the specific styles he wants to apply to this form:


    #field_1_19 .gfield_description,
    #field_1_22 .gfield_description,
    #field_1_23 .gfield_description,
    #field_1_53 .gfield_description,
    #field_1_54 .gfield_description,
    #field_1_55 .gfield_description {margin-left:600px;margin-top:-27px;color:#F3F300 !important;float:left;}


    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_19 .gfield_description,
    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_22 .gfield_description,
    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_23 .gfield_description,
    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_53 .gfield_description,
    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_54 .gfield_description,
    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_55 .gfield_description {margin-left:600px;margin-top:-27px;color:#F3F300 !important;float:left;}

    I went a little crazy with the selectors. You just need to ensure that your selector is more specific than the generic default selectors in forms.css.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday August 17, 2012 | Permalink
  3. sorry for the long delay in response. the site wasn't live yet and i had other fish to fry.

    okay, so i add that line of content before every line that refers to fields? Or do I need to figure out which ones to target? I understand that we are now pointing formatting at the certain page, but I just still need help figuring out where those modifications go. I am not sure which lines that refer to fields need to be addressed, or if it's all of them.

    the site is now up at

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday October 9, 2012 | Permalink
  4. If your contractor targeted fields without specifying a form, I would go back to the styles he created, and preface each style with a selector for that one specific form. For example he used this:

    #field_1_19 .gfield_description,

    Change it to this to target JUST form 1 (or the form he created):

    body #content .gform_wrapper #gform_wrapper_1 #field_1_19 .gfield_description,

    That will make the rules he created apply to just the form he created, and will allow you to use the Gravity Forms CSS for all your other forms.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday October 10, 2012 | Permalink