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Cannot edit forms

  1. Hello,

    We are running Wordpress 3.5.1 with Gravity Forms 1.7.6 on IIS7. PHP error reporting is on but no major issues are being logged. For what it's worth we didn't notice the issue until migrating the environment into our production environment.

    When trying to edit a few of the forms on the site the edit page never stops loading, and the options to edit/move/delete a field (or add another field) are totally unavailable. This happens rather arbitrarily, and we've been unable to consistently duplicate the issue, but it seems to only occur on longer forms (10+ fields) but not in all cases.

    The issue originally popped up on a form with conditional fields, and fields dynamically populated. Thinking it may have something to do with conditional fields we rebuilt a form without, but the issue reappeared.

    Disabling Javascript through Chrome or Firefox developer tools does not solve the issue. This signals the issue is not related to a Jquery conflict (nor does enabling or disabling "No Conflict" mode make a difference.)

    We have increased PHP's memory limit to 256MB, and redefined Wordpress' memory limit in wp-config as so:
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');
    define('WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    Incidentally, the only partial, but untenable, solution is to restart the web-server while the page is spinning. Once the server hiccups the page stops loading and the ability and interface to add/edit/move/delete is restored.

    Here's a link to a demonstration of what we're talking about... -- notice the field-edit interface appears on the Reserve Now form (00:00:13), but does not on the Brochure Request form (00:00:25.)

    Any help or direction very much appreciated!

    Calley + Joe

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 26, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Handling via priority support.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 26, 2013 | Permalink

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