Can you go ahead and change it back to a paragraph text (textarea) field? Then I'll be able to see what's causing the problem.
It could be that you're not loading the default Gravity Forms styles and scripts. They are normally loaded automatically when you use the shortcode to embed the form in a page or post. When you use the form in a sidebar (widget) or embed it manually into a page template, you have to enqueue the necessary scripts and CSS to make sure everything works properly.
Without these scripts/CSS enqueued, you'll also run into problems trying to use the datepicker or conditional logic.
You'll find the necessary information on the bottom of the documentation page listed below.
You'll also need to make sure you have the correct function calls in your header/footer - wp_head() and wp_footer() so the scripts get included in the page.
Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday April 28, 2010 |