I can't seem to get my query strings to work. I've got a product form with a drop down list of products. The user may select one item and hit submit. I then want a new form to open with the selected item passed from the first page to the second, along with new information fields to be completed. I have an Admin Label of "item" set on the first form. I've set the Confirmation to redirect to the second page and a Redirect Query String of item={item:3}.
On the second form, I have a duplicate product field set. Under the advanced tab I have checked Allow Field to be Populated Dynamically and a Parameter Name of "item."
Whenever I select an item on the first field, I get the same page reloaded with an error saying there was a problem with my submission... Except if I choose the last item in the drop down. If I choose and submit that one, I get redirected to a page with a 404 error. It's redirecting me to the second form page, bit its appending this to the URL: domain.com/second-form-page/%20%E2%80%8E?item=Other:value. Even if I fix the URL it redirects to the second form, but the product data isn't passed and showing in the form.
What am I doing wrong?