I'm trying to override the default .gfield_error styling using targeting such as:
I've tried each separately, plus other permutations, and can't figure why the styling is not working.
Inspect Element shows the padding and margin-bottom declarations with a line through them and then scrolling down I see the overriding class is line 193 in the default forms.css targeting .gform_wrapper li.gfield.gfield_error and which includes:
margin-bottom: 6px!important;
padding: 6px 6px 4px 6px!important;
I've also tried wrapping a div with an id around the gform_wrapper and including that in the targeting with no luck.
Since I'm developing locally I can't provide a link a live site with the bug unfortunately.
I'm not sure why the default CSS would include any !important declarations.
Is there some other targeting or method I should be using?