My forms work fine with my theme until I put in a captcha and this seems to produce an error and my sidebar menu disappears. My site is and the form is on 'Contact RMA' page. Please help! Thanks.
My forms work fine with my theme until I put in a captcha and this seems to produce an error and my sidebar menu disappears. My site is and the form is on 'Contact RMA' page. Please help! Thanks.
Can you embed that form in any other page and still have the sidebar appear normally?
If you take the CAPTCHA out, will the sidebar appear again in this page?
Also, please take a shot at fixing any HTML validation errors on that page:
Hi Chris, thanks for that and to answer - no new page will work with the form + captcha, but when I remove captcha the layout is restored. One of the validation errors was for the captcha which generated a white space...
"Bad value &hl=en for attribute src on element script: Whitespace in query component. Use %20 in place of spaces."
Is this possibly the cause and I don't know how to change the "&hl=en" bit at end of the key, and don't know where it comes from. Thanks again.
Can you re-enter your keys manually by typing, rather than pasting, to be sure there is no extra information being pasted in? If the keys are entered here correctly, it's possible you have a theme or plugin conflict, modifying that value. Please check for theme and plugin conflicts by using these instructions
Also, if possible, can you check the value which is stored in the database for the public and private reCAPTCHA key? You would need a tool like phpMyAdmin to look inside the database. The value is stored in the $wpdb->options table with a meta key name of 'rg_gforms_captcha_public_key'.
Hi Chris, it's a conflict with the plugin User Meta Pro which I use to register/login users. When I remove the captcha from a User Meta Pro form the problem resolves. I have tried setting up different public/private keys but still the problem is there. Can you tell me any possible workaround? Thanks again.
I don't know of a work around for that conflict. Please contact that plugin author for their advice.